From Shanghai to Mexico

The third and fourth Mexican government charter flights took off from Pudong Airport successfully on April 18, and April 19, 2020. FS still provides domestic transportation, customs declaration, inspection and boarding operations for this charter flight. In order to maximize the Mexican government's need for medical supplies, the Staff, with permission from the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, boarded the aircraft in white protective suits and stuffed the seats and luggage compartment with medical supplies.

From April 3 till now, four Mexican government medical supplies charter flights have successfully taken off. The hard work of FS Shanghai colleagues is indispensable behind it. Review the data for each warehouse entry should be updated in time, the materials should be arranged accurately, and the space in the cabin should be used effectively. Phone calls are coming up one after another, and communication sounds continuously. Their contribution confirms the spirit of FS - "wholeheartedly, bringing the best quality service to every customer and agent who trusts us " FS would like Mexico to overcome this difficulty as soon as possible.